Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Oh do take care my love...

I'll be the first to admit it - I love period films. The sight of Keira Knightley, the merest mention of Jane Austen, a two-second shot of a sprawling English garden...

I'm hooked.

I wish I had an explanation for my awkward fascination, but to be perfectly honest I'm stumped. It seems like every time someone refers to the era the words "a simpler time" fall out of their mouth.

But I don't think that things were any easier back then.

In fact, I think quite the opposite is true. Times were harsh, people were harsh and things have definitely changed for the better (plumbing, racial equality, and women's rights to name a few).

But somewhere along the way I feel like we left something behind. The art of chivalry, graciousness and elegance seem to be lost. It's always a pleasant surprise to find a glimpse of these attributes in someone, and I'm sure that many of you feel the same.

So if you're yearning to return to a "not so simple time," then I highly recommend you check out this BBC Drama The Way We Live Nowif you have Netflix, you can stream the episodes for free.

Also, I found this lovely blog that lists just about every period film you could possibly imagine, along with story, cast and various other details.

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