Monday, September 7, 2009

A Labor of Love


My Labor Day Weekend

Happy Labor Day everyone! I hope you all had a lovely, sun-soaked, three-day weekend.

I managed to do some much needed weeding amongst my little family of plants and brush up on my knitting - which, in my book = one heck of a good weekend.

Not too long ago, my sister and I both learned how to knit from this DVD by Nici McNally. It's an awesome tool for any beginning knitter to have and it's also a great way for experienced knitters to refresh and fine-tune their knitting skills.

I recently finished my first sweater and have knit a handful of other not-so-perfect beanies, scarves and one sad looking dinosaur. Needless to say, I've been in desperate need of a brush-up on my knitting knowledge.

So, in true Labor Day style, we lit up the BBQ, grilled up a storm and had a very knitty (I don't think that's a word, but I'm rebellious like that) Labor Day weekend.

If you can't afford the DVD, there are plenty of resources to turn to online. To name a few:

Ok - now go get knotty! I'm sorry, that joke was bad.

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