Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Oh do take care my love...

I'll be the first to admit it - I love period films. The sight of Keira Knightley, the merest mention of Jane Austen, a two-second shot of a sprawling English garden...

I'm hooked.

I wish I had an explanation for my awkward fascination, but to be perfectly honest I'm stumped. It seems like every time someone refers to the era the words "a simpler time" fall out of their mouth.

But I don't think that things were any easier back then.

In fact, I think quite the opposite is true. Times were harsh, people were harsh and things have definitely changed for the better (plumbing, racial equality, and women's rights to name a few).

But somewhere along the way I feel like we left something behind. The art of chivalry, graciousness and elegance seem to be lost. It's always a pleasant surprise to find a glimpse of these attributes in someone, and I'm sure that many of you feel the same.

So if you're yearning to return to a "not so simple time," then I highly recommend you check out this BBC Drama The Way We Live Nowif you have Netflix, you can stream the episodes for free.

Also, I found this lovely blog that lists just about every period film you could possibly imagine, along with story, cast and various other details.

Monday, September 7, 2009

A Labor of Love


My Labor Day Weekend

Happy Labor Day everyone! I hope you all had a lovely, sun-soaked, three-day weekend.

I managed to do some much needed weeding amongst my little family of plants and brush up on my knitting - which, in my book = one heck of a good weekend.

Not too long ago, my sister and I both learned how to knit from this DVD by Nici McNally. It's an awesome tool for any beginning knitter to have and it's also a great way for experienced knitters to refresh and fine-tune their knitting skills.

I recently finished my first sweater and have knit a handful of other not-so-perfect beanies, scarves and one sad looking dinosaur. Needless to say, I've been in desperate need of a brush-up on my knitting knowledge.

So, in true Labor Day style, we lit up the BBQ, grilled up a storm and had a very knitty (I don't think that's a word, but I'm rebellious like that) Labor Day weekend.

If you can't afford the DVD, there are plenty of resources to turn to online. To name a few:

Ok - now go get knotty! I'm sorry, that joke was bad.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Very Blue Day

Today I am blue... but in a good way of course!

I found this scrumptious recipe and couldn't help but give it a whirl. These little blueberry bars are, if I may say so myself, absolutely heavenly! I halved the recipe (silly me) and by this morning my brother, sister and I had devoured the entire dish.

I know, I know...

So, of course, I made a new batch today. I'm taking them to a party tonight, so I thought I'd give them an extra little something by adding small blue ribbons.

This time around I was low on blueberries, so I added some fresh-picked strawberries from my backyard and I cooked them in a spring form pan to make the removal process easier.

So, if you're feeling blue, I highly recommend you give these petit treats a try.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Fruits of My Labor

It's been 5-months now since I returned to my home in lovely Southern California.

After a brief 6-month stint in frigid (in more ways than one) Washington D.C., I made up my mind: I would never live anywhere that required clothes-toed shoes more than 2-months out of the year. So I packed my pale, Vitamin-D deficient self back into my car, buckled up for safety, and never looked back.

And here I am now.

After promising myself that I would never take advantage of our ability to garden year-round here in California, I began work on my tiny (and I mean tiny) patch of land. 7 strawberries, 14 green-beans, 3 figs, 1 eggplant, 12 chili peppers, 2 sprigs of parsley, 4 chives, 1 sprig of thyme, 1 squash and 1 small (but valuable) garden later - I am truly and finally home.